



[关于我们] 因为,一切缘于心!外国志愿者对格林卫负责人的评价

发表于 2013-6-5 07:55:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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和谐的村落、幽静的花园、神秘的房屋,一位优雅的女士,一群不同肤色的志愿者,这就是我初到greenway China的印象。Greenway China的新闻报道不算太多,但当你从百度、google、soso输入Fengyan Village时,随之而来的是满屏的国际志愿者在凤岩村支教或学习生活的新闻。带着一股好奇,我慕名来到凤岩村,并有幸与秦老师进行了一次面对面的交流。单薄的身体,却已携手机构走过了四个春夏秋冬;错落的小屋,却已接受了300多名志愿者;沉寂的村落,却已掀扬起中西方文化生活的旋风。Isabella说,她骨子已经渗透着一种使命感——让更多的人了解中国,也让更多的中国人走向世界。或许这种使命感注定让她的生活不能平息,甚至有些沉重,但我觉得她真的很快乐很满足。‘The happiness of giving!’是采访过程中,她重复最多的话,我想,这应该也就是她生活中快乐的源泉。亦或许,当一个人能真正地体会到这种Giving的幸福感,生命就会变得沉淀淀的,但生活会由此变得很简单。因为,一切缘于心!          ——编者 Star

    Isabella Qin:
    I would very much like to welcome you toGreenway’s very first newsletter! The intention is to publish regularnewsletters (about four times a year) to keep in contact with all our manyfriends, both in Chinaand in the Western world to let them know what is happening here at Greenway.We want to stay in touch with you, the extended Greenway family. We want tohear from you too so that we can also publish any of your news that you care toshare with us. So e-mail me your news!
    This newsletter is but one of the manyexciting innovations we have been making as we continue to improve every aspectof what we do, for the benefit of both our western guests and the Chineseinterns who work so hard with us to make the Greenway experience memorable forall who come. We have put in place extensive training for our interns so thatthey are the best welcome you can have in the whole of China. We haveput in place extensive training for teachers so that they are now the besttrained in the whole of Chinawith a specialist Chinese TEFL qualification to match. We have launched newprogrammes not least for those Chinese who want to take gap years in Thailand, ofwhich more in this newsletter. I could say more, but perhaps I should just saythat our new website is about to be born, and you will find more detail there.
    None of this would have been possiblewithout feedback from our western guests (we do listen!) and the hard work ofour Chinese interns, both of whom comprise the extended Greenway family. Ourthanks are to all of them. Enjoy! With very warmwishes,And would welcome publishingany‘letters to the editor’you may send us so that you can have your say too.

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